Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of June 20, 2011
Room 5, Town Hall
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF),
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT)
Tardy: Billie Luker (BL)
Absent: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT)
Call to order: 7:13pm; Quorum, called by Rita Mullin
Audience of Citizens: Pierre Ancri; Frank Potvin-citizen
Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of 5/16/11 and 6/8/11
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 5/16/11 as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 6/08/11 with changes discussed.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business
Frank Potvin-Dog Park Inquiry
Frank would like to know if P&R is planning on installing a dog park. Rita (RM) explained to Frank that we did have one and that it was closed down and the reasons for the closing. Frank asked if we could forward the names of anyone who was interested in keeping the dog park open. We told him to come by the office and we would give him contact information. Frank left at 7:19pm.
Old Business
• Parks Director Updates (MS)
o Skate Park at IRP: Marty received another quote for the repairs of the skate park from Rich Lombardo for $6500 for labor which would bring the total for repair project of skate park down to $11,500. The skate park is still closed down. Kids are trespassing. Someone has bent part of the fence down for the kids to get in. Marty will look into getting it fixed.
Billie Luker arrived at 7:26pm
o Zip Trip(RM)
Marty did an amazing job preparing the park and everything for the Zip Trip. Thank you to Mike Prisco. Zip Trip brought in a lot of positive publicity.
Page 2 Zip Trip (cont’d) (MS)
IRP was cleared out by 10:30am; you wouldn’t even know anyone was there. Fox 25 news staff were amazing. They were conscientious, polite and professional
o Pavilion: Kit goes up and footing will be poured around posts and kit next week.
o Gazebo: Gazebo was painted for the Zip Trip.
o Youth Services Garden: Marty tilled a garden area for Youth services to plant a small vegetable garden which the produce will be donated to the food pantry.
Rita turned over to Billie Luker at 7:28pm
• Recreation Director Updates (MS)
o Scholarships: We received $6000 worth of requests for scholarships this year from 9 applicants. Some scholarship applicants will be able to pay partial. We do not give scholarships for before care, after care, field trips or registration fees. Below are the figures for previous awarded scholarships:
2008 $4717
2009 ?
2010 $7409
2011 $6616 requested
We have received $829 in Sponsor a child” donations to date.$6616 -$829=$5787 still needed if we decide to give 100% of scholarships. All applications were due June 1, 2011 anything received after that date would only be considered after primary scholarship request completed. One of the major qualifications for a scholarship is to be approved for the free/reduced lunch program. We are going to try to be creative with the scholarship awards, such as only offering a couple of days a week, splitting the scholarship monies up so they accommodated all families instead of giving full scholarships to just a few kids.
(MS) Maureen asked the committee if we can fund the deficit needed of $5787 to complete the scholarship requests. Lynne does an amazing job at dispersing scholarship needs to the applicants. We are confident that we will bring in more “sponsor a child” donations. We are advertising the Sponsor a child program and have set up programs on our online registration for donations.
Mike (MF) would like to propose to give Lynne the freedom as she prioritizes and sees fit up to 5% of revenues brought in from the program plus any Sponsor a Child donations received.
Sergio (SC) would like to give Lynne a firm number and she can disperse how she sees fit.
Maureen stated that Lynne is asking to fund the $5787 and keep working on bringing in monies through the sponsor a child program.
Rita (RM) stated that she believes that we should have a scholarship fund of 5% of last year’s Summerscape gross revenues.
Maureen does not agree because last year was a very bad year for the program due to the economy.
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to approve what Lynne has asked for scholarship of $6616.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
Discussion was had
Sergio (SC) stated that we should approve a number and if Lynne needs more she would come to the committee for approval.
Committee is not sure what amount to work off of for a % for scholarships.
Mike (MF) is not comfortable taking a vote if they do not have a definite number to work off.
Rita (RM) suggests that if Lynne has given the impression to the applicants that they would receive scholarships then she would agree to award the $5787 supplement with any receipts from Sponsor a child program. But next year the scholarship fund should only be 5% of the gross revenues of this year’s Summerscape program.
Page 3 Scholarships (cont’d)
Committee asked to table topic until Maureen can get accurate amounts for Summerscape for 2009 and 2010 and Kid Connection gross and net.
Maureen returned with numbers as follows:
2010 Summerscape: Gross Revenues $52,251
Expenses $44,966
Net profit $ 7,284
Scholarship` $ 7,400
2010 Kid Connection Gross revenues $15,267
Expenses $ 3,489
Net Profit $11,777
2010 Profit of Summerscape and Kid Connection: $19,062
2009 Summerscape: Gross Revenues $66,390
Expenses $47,640
Net profit $18,749
Scholarship` $ 4,717
2009 Kid Connection Gross revenues $11,843
Expenses $ 3,435
Net Profit $ 8,407
2009 Profit of Summerscape and Kid Connection: $27,157
Maureen (MS) summarized that we have averaged giving away between 9% and 11% in scholarships over the past couple of year.
Revised Motion:
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion of approving what Lynne has asked for scholarships in the amount of $6616 less any donation received for Sponsor a child program.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 1 Abstained: 0
Mike Fitzpatrick voted against
Motion passed.
Next Agenda we will work on establishing a policy for 2012 Scholarship guidelines.
Billie would like Lynne to bring to the next meeting solid numbers from the last 4 years for both Summerscape and Kid connection and all Scholarships all numbers based on gross revenues.
Committee wants it to be known that they have all the confidence in Lynne’s Judgments on scholarships.
• Operations Director Updates (MS)
o Facilities Software: Like the first Demo Maureen would like to go through the Demo one more time with Sheila to get another opinion. She will come back to the committee with numbers and request the monies or advise of the next step. We would like to have the program for next fall. Committee asked if the public could request rentals via the internet with the new software. The answer is yes, however, we do not want the public to have that ability. We want to be able to control the rentals because of over usage of fields, traffic and overbooking.
o Control Links: The control Links program for the lights at the turf field is up and running. Marty, Maureen and Sheila have the ability to sign onto the program.
Page 4 (cont’d)
o Rec Ctr Internet: The internet at the Recreation Center is scheduled to be installed on June 23 between 11am-2pm. Maureen will be at the building overseeing the installation. Maureen is trying to get a high power router so that internet service can be received at the barn as well. The internet will average about $50 per month.
• LUC Updates (RM)
o Meditation Garden at IRP: Schedule for the first week of July. Eagle Scout Kevin Newell is doing the work as his project.
o Golf Tournament: LUC is going to start pushing the golf tournament.
• FONRPRC, Inc Updates-(SS)
o Walk of Fame: lettering on the engraved bricks look warn away. Spoke with Frank and he will talk to Bill Gardocki and see what they can do.
Billie (BL) heard about another request for an additional knee wall.
o Need members: Sheila let the committee know that there has been little activity with the FONRPRC and they are lacking in membership. Would like to get everything moving again.
o Community Center: Sheila wants to start working on raising funds for Community center building plans. Rita believes we should wait because people are already saturated for donations and the secondary school planning committee is asking for funds for building the new schools.
Sergio states that unless we start somewhere it will not start at all. Committee agrees that we need an idea of what we want and we can add onto after or as we go. They would like to see a community center added onto the existing Recreation Center. Billie commented that he would like the Town Hall Gym to be replaced with a gym at the community center. We need an idea on paper. We are at a standstill.
Other Business
• Last Day of School Event at IRP(RM)
Rita updated the committee on the Last day of school event at IRP. They are planning on having games set up, bbq, concession stand, etc. Rita wants to hire a police detail because there are rumors of Middle School children planning fights at the park. Pierre has some people interested in running an organized sport in the skate rink. Billie Luker will help with organizing activities as well. Lynne will be at the Park as well as Erica from Youth Services. Sheila called the NRPD and requested a police detail to be at IRP the last day of school.
• Next Meeting date (SS)
July 18th at 7pm Room 5.
August 22 Monday 7pm in room 5
September 12th Monday 7pm in room 5.
• Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)
o Community Center
o Follow on Pierre Ancri Committee appointment
o Scholarship Budget follow-up
o 2011 Goals
o NR Youth Soccer-Lights at Maguire Field
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:36 pm.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed